Swimming Pool with ECO-Block
31 October 2008If you design or construct swimming pools, ECO-Block can provide a simple solution to forming the shape of the pool. Any shape can be achieved using ECO-Block. Rounded corners and curves are easily constructed as well. Your creation will be Highly Insulated, Structurally Very Strong, and Quick to Build. The inside can be plastered, tiled, or lined.
This first image is of a 5x5m pool 1600mm high.
The pad and vertical steel were already in place.
The builder constructed and filled the walls with concrete in a mere 5 hours.
It was their first experience using
This third image shows a project where the Swimming Pool, Retaining Walls, and House were all constructed using ECO-Block Insulated Concrete Forms.
More information about the next generation of Insulated Concrete Forms, please contact us